The collection Moments and Place features paintings that capture everyday moments in Colorado Springs throughout the course of a year. I focus on everyday places - views from my apartment and studio, taking walks or bike rides around the city, driving to and from work. Through the documentation of my everyday life, this collection seeks to appreciate otherwise overlooked moments in daily life. The paintings take place over a year, using different colors on the edges and backs of pieces to indicate the passage of time. In “Spring Follows Winter,” the small paintings span four seasons, and each vertical bar captures a slice of the year from spring to winter. Additionally, plein air paintings from the San Luis Valley speak to the presence required when painting on site and directly observing a place. These images of the everyday encourage viewers to consider the beauty and value in the often overlooked moments in our lives, and the places these moments take place. Ultimately, as author Annie Dillard said, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”